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80 Welsh sports facilities benefit from energy saving grants

Clubs are using the funding to install solar panels and upgrade to LED lighting systems (Image:

A total of 80 sports clubs across Wales have been awarded Energy Saving Grants during 2023-24 to help make their facilities more energy efficient.

The majority of the clubs who have received grants – which add up to nearly £1.4m in total – will use their funding to install solar panels. Other projects include the upgrading of lighting to LEDs, insulation improvements, new heating systems and sustainable water sourcing.

The energy-saving measures funded by the grants will significantly reduce clubs’ energy bills, meaning that they are much more financially sustainable for the future.

As well as creating more environmentally friendly facilities, it is hoped that the lowered running costs will help clubs provide affordable activities.

The projects are in various stages of completion, and of the 80 clubs a total of 47 plan to install solar panels, while 26 are using their grant to install LED lighting.

For the full list of clubs and facilities receiving funding – and to see their plans – click here for the Sport Wales website.

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