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British Gymnastics reveals new vision for sport

The new ‘Leap Without Limits’ document sets out a new vision for gymnastics in the UK (Image: British Gymnastics)

British Gymnastics has become the latest national governing body of sport to join the Sport for Development Coalition (SDC).

SDC is a UK-wide movement of almost 400 organisations working to maximise the positive social impact of sport and physical activity.

British Gymnastics joins the SDC just weeks after it published Leap Without Limits , a document which sets out a new vision for gymnastics in the UK, designed to deliver an “uplifting experience for all”.

Andy Dodd, Engagement Director at British Gymnastics, said: “Our new vision is all about putting positive experiences at the heart of everything we do, and ensuring gymnastics is enjoyable, safe and open to everyone.

“As part of that, we are committed to being relentless in pursuit of inclusion and accessibility in gymnastics and ensuring that the amazing benefits of gymnastics are widely recognised and reach as far as possible.

“We know that if we do that, then our sport has a real opportunity to change lives, enrich and connect communities. In doing so gymnastics can help address some of the big societal challenges we face as a country.

“To make progress, we want to work together with people and organisations within and beyond gymnastics, and forge partnerships with organisations and groups that are aligned with our new vision and values.

“Joining the Sport for Development Coalition is very much a reflection of that, and our support for the Coalition’s own vision that every person in the UK recognises and values the power of sport to change lives and has the freedom to access it without barriers.”

Following the publication of its new vision, British Gymnastics also held a round table discussion on sport and physical activity for children and young people.

The event brought together people from a range of organisations within and beyond gymnastics that have an interest in, connection to and influence around children and young people in sport – providing an opportunity to discuss collective priorities and identify opportunities for collaborative working moving forwards.

Those present included Scottish Gymnastics, Welsh Gymnastics, the British Gymnastics Foundation and gymnastics clubs and coaches, together with representatives from the LTA, England Athletics, Swim England, Sport England, Women in Sport, Youth Sport Trust, UK Coaching, ukactive, Liverpool John Moores University and Liverpool School Sport Partnership.

Speaking after the session, David Marshall, Community Services Director at British Gymnastics, said: “The recent Government announcement on funding for school sport was hugely positive, but that is just one part of the picture and there remain particular issues that need to be addressed, including around access to activities and inequalities within that.

“Getting more children and young people involved in sport and physical activity is critical if we are to address some of the wider societal challenges our country faces. Gymnastics can play a key part in that, and hosting this session is a reflection of how central this topic is to the new vision for the sport and the work we will be doing as part of Leap Without Limits.”

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