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Sport England launches consultation on environmental sustainability

Sport England has launched a consultation which looks to gauge the views and perspectives of sports organisations around the topic of climate action in sport.

The grassroots body is looking to chart how clubs, NGBs, facility operators and other organisations are approaching sustainability, from reducing their environmental impact to the opportunities and challenges they face in their operations.

According to Andy Coley-Maud, Sport England’s national partnerships lead, the body is keen to learn more about how it can work with the sport and physical activity sector to make it more environmentally sustainable.

“From energy use, travel, the production and consumption of sports equipment, goods and services, to our impact on biodiversity, we know that sport and physical activity has a significant environmental impact,” he said.

“As a sector we have the opportunity to create, influence and inspire positive environmental, health and societal change.

“This consultation will help us to understand both the role we can play in supporting sports and communities to protect and adapt the environments in which sport and physical activity takes place as our climate changes, and in working together towards our collective environmental ambitions.”

Those wanting to take part in the consultation can do so using the dedicated website here.

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